Before reporting a bug, please check the known issues list.
Have you found a bug that's persisting in Call of the Wild: The Angler? We'd greatly appreciate it if you could report it to the support team. When reporting bugs, all of them are shared with the development team to be investigated.
When reporting a bug, we need as much relevant information from as you possible. The most commonly requested information is:
Bug Report:
- The best description of the bug and when/where it happens you can provide.
- When did this issue start for you? How frequently is it happening?
- Were you playing on single-player or multi-player?
- How can we reproduce this bug (steps that will give us the same outcome)?
Not necessary if you've filled out the repro steps field of the Support request form.
Technical Questions:
- Have there been any recent updates on your machine? Is your machine fully up-to-date (drivers / etc)?
- What peripherals do you have connected to your machine (if any)?
- Are other games working for you correctly aside from The Angler?
- How full is your machine's storage? Is the game installed on the internal memory, or an external device? Is it installed on an HDD or SDD?
- Have you modified your game/machine in any way (game mods / overclocking / etc)?
Requested Files:
- Could you take a video (preferred) or screenshot and send it to us for further investigation?
- Could you please send us your DxDiag and MSInfo files (PC)?
See how here. - Could you please send us your save files (PC )?
See how here. - Finally, what troubleshooting steps have you tried already?
Not every item is necessary for all reports, so use your best judgement. If Support needs to know an item, we will request the information.
If you have all of the information ready and you're ready to submit a bug report, you can do so by contacting support by clicking here to submit a request.
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